Potent Blue poppers are just that potent! High Strength aroma in a fabulous new age designer bottle, appeals to a certain audience and has a pellet style addition giving long life and storage shelf life stock room and home use longevity. The power does come from the pellet, fully activated by shaking and the more you shake the more the ingredients are activated. Classed as a super strength XXX brand plus having extra liquid contents when compared with the traditional 15ml. What do these poppers do? Well relax the muscles, dilate the vessels but increase the heart rate so don’t use if you suffer from a heart condition nor mix with such items as Viagra!
Priced more than its competitors but reports of no headaches and a high which lasts temporarily, feedback suggests this is going to be and it already is when we look at the stock shelves a long lasting high end quality aroma. We think it’s the highest quality UK popper out there presently.
Buy in Quantity to save a few pounds Euros of Dollars. 22 Ml and of course rea the label prior to opening which should allow the aroma to develop and breathe it into the area.
Getting some positive feed back now for this potent aromas. Customers have yet to feed back a negative review, so why not try the new power popper that is potent blue.
Due to the relaxing effects the mechanism allows the head to get a rush by allowing a rush in the brain of positive heightened sexual desires and increase in eroticism. Don’t swallow and definitely read the labeling conditions warnings and the like poppers are flammable.
Presently we have a promotion on for these UK Super Aromas buy three and get one free gratis!
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