Our online super store not only sells poppers but we also enable you to buy related products at some great prices, and of course by having no middle structure we can sell cheaper than your typical high street shop.
Our Ball stretchers are from some great suppliers such as Titan Men and toys Some just elongate some split and some do both split and stretch! We have metal and rubber types and of course at very competitive prices! So you can now have no excuses for not spicing up your love life in the bedroom department, buy a ball stretcher and some rush poppers or perhaps one of the new brands like liquid burning and have fun, that’s what its all about at the end of the day. Get some cages perhaps to entrap and stop expansion. Good fun, we have 89 rings in stock so there is bound to be something for everyone no matter what your size or personal requirements are. Colt are well known for their rings Great Supplier and long lived established and with prices under twenty Euros and usually a product that lasts a life time its true value for money. We have some fun products too that glow in the dark priced at 3.90 Euros worth it for the laugh factor alone.
Glow in the Dark
So get shopping get with the program and get your super ball stretcher
Is there any problem with using poppers whilst in the pandemic we were questioned. Simply… Read More
Summer solstice today the longest day and one that could be spent shopping for all… Read More
All people desire a deal no one turns that down, our shop has offers special… Read More
Season greetings and spring is here , we of course have a current super sale… Read More
Not wanting to miss out on a bargain on the high street we have in… Read More
We could not go as many regular customers can testify without a seasonal promotion. This… Read More
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