Now we are truly in the internet age for online shopping not only for poppers but also for like related items we have decided to launch new products along side so as to give a more diverse in house store experience.
We stock over 15o lubricants including powder form water based and silicone, boy butter plus cheaper discounted lines. Grease and anal lubes.
Sex toys including plugs dildos cock rings and plugs bondage and fetish gear, penis plugs and nipple clamps and beads. Douches and cleaning products. Over 1400 items on the store room shelf! We think we have it covered 🙂
Yes some would say books are old hat and that E reading is the way to go but we should not forget the power of paperbacks.German written and likewise English including the lover boy series and toys for boys and some extraordinary poppers themed titles.Over 40 in stock.
Always a shop winner DVD predominately gay
Gay additional products and gifts:
Swimwear perhaps or a potency product, check out online in our super basket shopping center. Spanish and Mexican “fly” . Delay sprays and Oral gels how can we not have a gift for everyone.
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